
Thursday 2 September 2021

Salt Dough Hand Fossil

Today I created my handprint

What I used
2 Cups of Flower
1 Cup of Salt

Blue and black paint

Mixing bowl
Measuring Cups

First I mixed the flour, salt and water water together.
I rolled it out on the kitchen bench.
Baked it in the oven for about 30mins
Left it to cool and painted it.

recipe link⇨  "click here"

Monday 9 August 2021

Olympics art

 This week we have been learning about the Tokyo 2020 Olympics so for art we drew the outline of a stick-man doing an Olympic sport than we had to make our figures out of tinfoil and put toothpicks through the paper so the tinfoil stick-person can stay there. I chose skateboarding as it has newly been introduced to the Olympics

Tuesday 29 June 2021

Persuasive Text

Statement:Kids should not get more responsibilities because they will forget and then get yelled at by their parents. 

 Explanation:Kids have a lot of jobs and not enough play. If they have more responsibility than that can be bad for Young Minds because playtime is time to be creative. 

 Example:Adults/parents will always boss the kids around even when the kids have done the task because even when we fix the mistakes the adults always find another.

Monday 28 June 2021

my criss cross

For last weeks learning we done activities about the sea I am proud of this work because it is the first criss-cross puzzle I've ever made the website puzzle maker and it gives you a selection of puzzles you can make, anyway I worked very hard on this piece of work i hope you like it.

Friday 25 June 2021

Matariki fact file

For our reading work we had to do a fact file about different clotures and what they celebrate I am very proud of this work me and my buddy Heremaia worked very hard on it, this took us a very long time to make this fact file about matariki and the seven stars/sisters I chose this piece of work because it is one of my best and tells the reader a lot of things they probably didn't know

Monday 14 June 2021

should the day of school be longer

 children should have a longer school day
do you agree or disagree?

write in the comments your thoughts

"I disagree the bus takes time to 
walk to your house your mum 
or dad comes back from 
work by the time your at your bus stop 
and not much people go on no bus" 

Wednesday 25 November 2020

My pet eels

