
Thursday 25 June 2020

Smart Footprint: Blog Detective

the strange noise of baby pepe.

Night one: It was about 12:00 o'clock at night,the young boy heard a strange noise. Something was creeping under him. He thought to take a little peek under his bed but he was too tired to stay awake so he fell asleep straight away. Night two: he took his dad’s gun he whispered to himself “I’m gonna blow this guy's head off” he faced his fears and he looked under his bed and he immediately put his dad’s gun away and picked this little cute man up now they are best friend’s

the end

Tuesday 23 June 2020

my VENN diagram

this is my VENN diagram 

     different about space junk                   what's the same                    different about earth rubbish 
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I liked doing this activity today it took a long time but I'm now done

what do you think about my work today


a few days ago me and Josh  made prawns, I put two prawn head's together it was gross

Friday 19 June 2020

sun city discriptive writing

WALT: use our 5 senses to describe our writing

Wow!!! all the animal’s are slowly walking towards sun city, as the jaguar sneaks and the voltures sour around the sky. The travelers travel across the desert feeling soft on their feet. They could see the giant hole in the middle of sun city. It was so beautiful. They both thought that it was mirage but the beauty was real the jaguar pounced on their camel their camel died luckily they survived but when the voltures came they ran, they hid in the building...

Wednesday 17 June 2020


This is why earth is the best place to live.

Earth has the perfect temperature because it is in the goldilocks zone (a place in our solar system that isn’t too hot or cold). And more reasons why we can live on earth is because we have air and an atmosphere, an atmosphere is like (a big dome around our planet, the atmosphere made of hot gases).And air is what we use to breathe, the scientific way to say it is oxygen. Another reason is and if you drop a book it will fall but if you drop a book on the moon it will go upwards. So if there was no gravity on earth so you would burn because of the hot gases in the atmosphere.

Friday 12 June 2020

my cat

this week I played with my cat Oreo, every day when I open the sliding door she snuggles up to my legs to thank me   

Thursday 11 June 2020